Infrastructure: past, present, and future

Infrastructure has been the bedrock to America’s development, progress, and dreams. Roads to highways, dams, bridges, electric grids, railways and then airports and now internet and more. Can we learn from history, assess current needs, understand the economics and have […]

For the People Act (HR.1/S.1) Unpacked

The FPA has received enormous media attention. The partisan battles have been well covered. Most Americans favor fair and just voting rights and laws. Most want voting to be accessible and simplified. Most want money influence on our campaigns and […]

News Media and the Politics of Truth

We face a misinformation crisis. Misinformation is at an all-time high and it’s crippling our democracy, interfering with our ability to talk with each other, to enact needed public policies, and to bridge our bitter partisan divide. And there’s no […]

Immigration: Myths/Realities and the Future

Americans understand that we all are immigrants whether our ancestors arrived willingly for economic opportunity or sought refuge and asylum from persecution. Most of our families have stories about struggles as newcomers as well as the uplifting and positive stories […]

Post 2020: The Future of Democracy

The year 2020 will remain in the American conscience as the year of two major challenges: the COVID virus and the BIG Lie undermining voter confidence in the 2020 election results. Both were fraught with polarized thinking and positions. It […]

Exploring the Misinformation Landscape

The media news landscape is difficult to navigate and is fueled with false and manipulated information. Yet, to be a knowledgeable voter and engaged citizen requires credible trusted information and journalism. This program will explore journalism and news literacy and […]