Taxes: What You Need to Know

Taxes are deeply embedded in the fabric of the American economy and society. They create incentives related to work, saving, investment, borrowing, and marriage. They are key tools for the provision of the safety net and the redistribution of resources. […]

The Role of Big Money In U S Elections

Join this informative discussion with a group of campaign finance law experts from the nonpartisan, nonprofit Campaign Legal Center to learn how big money special interest spending—often from secret sources—is affecting our elections and the solutions. Topics will include the […]

Ukraine Update IV

As Russia’s war against Ukraine rages on, one wonders what to anticipate.  Will the Coalition hold over time? Will Russia be held accountable for crimes? Can a small country succeed in its passion for independence and quest for democracy? How […]

What Are Human Rights Anyway?

Human rights go beyond traditional American concepts of civil liberties. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN in the wake of World War II without dissent, included all kinds of rights – civil and political rights (like […]

Climate Change Solutions with Bill McKibben

Most understand the climate is changing before our eyes. Implementing solutions has been slowly occurring, but much more needs to be accomplished. Join Bill McKibben for an in-depth discussion on the opportunities, priorities, and diverse solutions to address the challenges […]