What’s Next in the Russo-Ukrainian War?

Ukraine is in the crosshairs of politics, domestically and globally. What is the current status of this war, and what does the future hold for the Ukrainian people? This program will unravel the current situation, US political sentiments and challenges, […]

Challenges to Democracy for November 2024 and Beyond

What we need to know and discuss to assure fair voting and “We the People” has meaning. Prof. Alex Keyssar will cover ongoing methods of voter suppression, the counting and certification of votes, and the hazards of the Electoral College […]

A Serious Election Demands a Serious Electorate

For most Americans, the upcoming election looms like a slow-moving train wreck. There is no way to stop it from happening and no way to get out of the way. There is no rewind button. The election of 2024 will […]

A Purple Agenda For The Next Four Years

Americans are distinctly unenthusiastic about their options for president this year. Who the candidates are is one problem. What they stand for is another. What are the key issues concerning voters, and what policies best address them? The economist Laurence […]

Healthcare: How Did We Get Here and Where Are We Going

This program will discuss the history of our healthcare system, the Affordable Care Act, and where we go from here. Many believe the US healthcare system is broken and needs fixing. Two health policy experts will discuss the issues, challenges, […]